
Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog Series--Update

Hi friends...This is not a post of serious substance, just a quick update on the delay in my mini-series on BLS (or what I think should be BLS) skills.

Needless to say, it's that glorious time of year that all university students must face head on: midterm season. My midterm season is in it's full glory at the moment, so it probably wasn't my best idea to introduce a new series of post just as it was getting underway. However, fear not, I have not forgotten about my promised posts and musings (I know, you're so eager for them). I am still chipping away at finishing them, it's just taking longer than I hoped given my extremely limited (and ever decreasing) amount of free time.

On the bright side: I have a new favorite read in the EMS blog-o-sphere. I've added her to my list of the best of the internet, so you should take the time to check out Probie to Practitioner and see what she has to say.

Well that's all for now, folks!


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